Why Blog? The Reasons Why I Decided To Make My Own Website

Reasons To Blog

I had some friends and family that were a little confused about the whole blogging concept.  Someone asked me, “Why are you doing this blog thing, what is the point of it?”. At first, I didn’t know what to say to that person. I mean, I get it. It is kind of weird; publishing all of my thoughts and pictures on the internet for anyone (or no one) to read. Will anyone even care about what I have to say? Hopefully, but who knows!

To me, blogging wasn’t a foreign idea. I grew up with social media sites like MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram (#MillennialLife). From a young age, my friends and I were constantly posting our every thought; what we were doing, where we were going, even what we were eating. It’s stuff that might seem pointless to others but it connected us and gave each other something to relate to. This is the same idea as blogging. Everyone has something to say, why not take a minute to listen; it just might make a difference in your day.4 Reasons to Blog


Why Do I Blog?


I follow more than a couple of bloggers and influencers through social media. Watching their stories or reading their posts is entertaining, but most of all it makes you feel connected. By viewing their content, you are now a part of it. I love the idea of being a part of this big online community where everyone gets to be themselves and share what makes them unique. When someone expresses what they are passionate about, it makes other people want to find that same type of passion. I have been introduced to so many new products that are now my favorites because someone else decided to share something that they loved. Although I am still new to blogging, I feel like I am already a part of something bigger. My hope is that someone out there can find inspiration or entertainment from my thoughts and ideas.



Being a college graduate and working full-time, I sometimes forget what it’s like to learn something new. If you didn’t know, I work in childcare. Spending all day, every day with a group of small children can eventually make you feel a little dumbed down. You try listening to “Baby Shark” 12 times a day then tell me how you feel! I was bored and unstimulated by my daily life. One day I thought, “I should be doing something more with my time”. Although I didn’t think spending more hours on my computer was going to be my solution, I have actually learned so much already from starting this blog! From SEO to code, I am slowly learning a whole new skill set! I will be the first to admit, this blog will not be filled with perfect grammar and punctuation (who has time for that?), but writing something other than lesson plans has helped me expand my mind in a different way.



Not trying to be creepy here but I guess you could say that I have a fascination with other people. Seeing how other people live, what they wear, how their families work, is interesting to me. I love reading about other people’s opinions even if I don’t have the same view. A part of why I started my blog was to see what kind of life these influencers have. I was curious about what it would take to become a blogger and if it was something I could do too. My boyfriend asks me all the time, “Why do you care about these people that you don’t even know?” Maybe I care because of jealousy, maybe boredom or maybe loneliness. Whatever the real reason is, I know there are other people like me out there in the world and that gives me some comfort.



Even if no one ever reads my posts or clicks on my blog, I probably would still keep blogging. Getting to create and design my own website out of visions solely from my mind is so cool! I loved every part of making this come to life so far. In high school, I took photography and graphic design classes and loved it so much but never really stuck with anything. I used to take pictures all the time and even though I mostly did it for fun, over time I became discouraged and unmotivated to share my photos. This blog has given me a reason to get up, stop being lazy, and start being creative! Creating clever titles, taking photos and coming up with ideas and designs, has pushed me outside of my little creativity comfort zone and allowed me to revisit this side of myself that I had forgotten about.



Do you have a blog? Comment below the reasons why you started yours!

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  1. You amaze me. Your way with words just inspires me! Keep blogging. I love your Cape May blogs. Keep at it! I am a follower of you!

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