How To Organize Your Closet

Tips For Organizing Your Closet

Like most people, for the new year I made a goal to clean out some of my unwanted items that I have accumulated over the year. My first goal was to get an organized closet. My closet was such a mess and I could never find what I wanted so I would just buy new stuff! 

By minimizing my clothes and organizing them in a way I can clearly see everything, I suddenly feel like I have more options even though I actually have less items.

After watching a few episodes of Marie Kondo’s Netflix Series: Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, I was inspired and ready to start this process! I also started reading her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, that had been sitting on by bookshelf unread for months. If you like her show, you HAVE to pick up her book. It has so many more insightful tips and gives the reasoning as to why she organizes things they way she does. I had like 4 epiphanies while reading it; the woman is inspiring! 

Cleaning out your closet can be a daunting project. Trust me, I know… see below to my “before” pictures. But if I can do it, you can to!

How To Organize Your Closet

Take everything out.

This step is inspired by Marie Kondo and the KonMari Method she has created. She has all of her clients take every clothing piece out of the closet and build a mountain on the bed. There’s really no going back from there! Taking everything out at once can be overwhelming but I really believe this is the best way to start. If you leave your clothes in the closet and just skim through on the hangers you are more likely to keep items you normally wouldn’t. By having to physically hold and put an item back it makes you think a little more about if each item is really necessary. If you are short on time or space you can take items out by section. Such as just jeans or just sweaters, ect. 

Make piles.

If you are indecisive like myself, make three piles, “yes, no, and maybe”. Save the maybe pile for last and then go back to it. After seeing your “no” pile grow bigger you might realize how much easier it is to get rid of things. It feels good to watch that pile grow! Also, you will be able to see all of your items you plan to keep already and then you can determine if that fourth plain white T-shirt is really necessary or not.

Try everything on.

If it doesn’t fit now toss it. Ladies, I know our weight can fluctuate a lot so you think oh I’ll just work out a little and those pants will fit me again. Although, you might be able to shed some pounds and get down to your previous weight, whose to say you will even like those pants still? Also your body shape may have changed slightly. Let’s face it, we can’t be young forever! So even if you do get back down to your previous weight those pants my never fit you the same again. Sorry to be blunt, but it’s true! There will always be more favorite pants.

Use all the same hangers.

So important! Switching over to all the same hangers was the best decision I’ve made. If you want an organized closet, buy these! Your closet feels so much more tidy and put-together. It allows you to focus more on the clothing and see everything lined up and in order. These non-slip velvet hangers are my favorite because your clothes don’t slide off easily and they are great quality for such a good price! I really don’t understand people who use plastic hangers and don’t even get me started on wire hangers! They are honestly my biggest pet peeve.

Organize in a way that makes sense for you. 

My preference has also been to color coordinate my clothes. It is easier for me to find what I want because I usually plan outfits by colors. I have a fairly large closet with built-in shelves (and no dresser) so all of my clothing is in my closet. I have separate sections for my tank tops, shirts, dresses, bottoms, pajamas, and sweaters. Then I have smaller storage baskets for socks, undergarments, swimsuits, ect. Depending on your closet, you may prefer to organize by category, type, or frequently worn. But If you want an organized closet, you must have some sort of plan that you will follow.

If you have specific outfits that you wear for work such as business attire or a uniform, I found it helpful to separate these items in their own space. This makes getting ready for work so much easier in the morning.

Use storage baskets and bins as much as possible.

These help me stay organized so much. Separating your clothes into sections allows everything to have its own neat little home where it can easily return to. I even have dividers in my sock drawer to differentiate between my little no show socks and my regular crew socks. Most of my storage items are from Amazon, TJ Max, or Homegoods. I will link a few of my favorite finds at the bottom of my post, so scroll down!

Shoe organizers

I hate having shoes thrown everywhere in the floor of my closet. One shoe always goes missing and it’s so hard to see down there with all your clothes dangling over. My suggestion for this is to invest in a shoe organizer. I love this one from that has individual cubbies. Shoes that you don’t wear often (formal wear, snow boots) keep in a storage bin on the top of your closet or even in the garage to take out as needed.

I purchased this clothing rack to go in the back of my walk-in closet where shelves were lacking. I love this thing because I can easily organize accessories such as hats, bags, and shoes. Another way to utilize a clothing rack is to to lay out your clothes for the week so you are more prepared in the mornings! I love the idea of having a clothing rack, like this one, in your room to hang outfits for the week or items you want to make sure you wear more often.


Some more tips I found helpful will organizing my closet:

  • Do ALL of your laundry first
  • Find a good, motivating playlist like this one
  • Check for holes/stains
  • Have an open mind and be willing to let go
  • Take mini breaks
  • Put bags inside of bags
  • Save sentimental items for last
  • Invest in a step-ladder for high to reach places


My Favorite Organizational Products


Have you watched Marie Kondo’s show or read her books? Did she inspire you to have a more organized closet? Leave a comment with your thoughts!


-Mack Jean

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