12 Things My Mom Has Taught Me

Mom and Me

Mother Knows Best

In honor of my mom’s birthday today, here are some little pieces of knowledge that she has taught me. I am so lucky to have such a great relationship with my mom. She is my best friend! These are not profound bits of knowledge, but they are important, nonetheless. 

Animals are better than most humans. When people fail you, your pets will always be there. My mom is the biggest animal lover I know. We always joke that in my house, the animals come first and the kids come second. Through my mom, I have realized how great the bond and unconditional love of animals can be.  

Better late than never. My mother has definitely passed down her time management skills to me. Running late is a hobby of ours. But hey, at least we showed up right? And we looked good when we did. 

Retail therapy actually works. Had a bad day at work? Got into a fight with a friend? Just feeling down? Then spend a few hours with your best friend (mom in my case) at T.J.Maxx and you should be feeling good as new. 

Look for a sign. Trust the sign. My mom is a big believer in the signs (from God, from the universe?..I’m not really sure who is giving these signs). For example, if she is struggling with the decision to visit Florida or Colorado then all of a sudden she sees a Florida bumper sticker, it’s a sign! Florida it is. The signs will always guide you in the right direction.  

The ocean cures everything. She has convinced me with this one over and over. Spend some time at the beach and everything bad seems to disappear. Saltwater fixes everything from bad moods to open wounds. 

Keep up in touch with the friends from your childhood. Lifelong friends are a treasure. My mom has taught me a few key tips about friendship such as staying in touch even if that means seeing your friend once a year. You don’t need to be in touch every day to remain a good friend. It’s the little things that count and show that you still care. 

Always bring a sweater. Even if it’s 90 degrees outside, just bring it. Chances are you will go somewhere with air conditioning or the temperature will drop and you will need that sweater. Plus, you never know if your car is going to break down in the middle of nowhere and you will be stranded and freezing. #momlogic

Care about things, but don’t let it consume you. I have seen my mom care so much that it has consumed her. It makes me proud but it also hurts me to see her so paralyzed with the concern for others. I love how much my mother cares about others but I have learned from her that taking care of your self must sometimes come first. And that is okay. 

Sprinkles make everything happier. My mom started a new tradition a few years ago on a family vacation where she decided to put sprinkles in/on everything. Everyone had sprinkles in the drinks, on their pizza, and in their pockets. It really did make people smile. 

Never leave your drink unattended. Ya never know what creep is lurking around trying to slip something into your drink. Be careful out there, ya know? 

Life isn’t all about money. Even though my family has always had struggles with money, my mom has shown me that life can still be happy and fulfilling. But, if you really want something and it will improve your life, just do it. You can figure out how to make up for it later. 

It’s okay to have fun, but don’t be stupid. Drink all the wine, dance on the tables, just don’t do anything your mom wouldn’t do.

Zack, Mom, Mack

Mom and Me










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  1. MackJean
    You are funny, inspiring, and clever. I love your outlook on life. I love you! Looking forward to reading…
    Love, ConnieJean

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